Channel: Elaine Ambrose
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Bringing Fame and Shame to the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop


 lola color

One week from today I’ll be flying to Dayton, Ohio as a speaker for the prestigious Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop. My famous fart will follow me there and linger throughout the conference because I’ve become a stinkin’ cartoon.

My friends and family have known for years that I have no shame, but now I can cut loose with some real proof. My essay on The Huffington Post, “Don’t Fart During an MRI,” inspired Lola, the sassy curmudgeon of the daily comic pages, to assume the position and copy me. I don’t want to raise a stink, sound offensive, or toot my own horn, but I’m putting on airs to permeate such a ripe compliment. This cartoon passes the smell test for lighting up my day. I’m truly relieved.

The silly post went viral and generated more than 720,000 “likes” on Facebook. The piece was subsequently published in Germany, Italy, Korea, France, and Brazil and reprinted in several newsletters and magazines. I was interviewed on the HuffPo Live streaming newscast for writing one of the top ten most-read posts in the 10-year history of The Huffington Post. After 40 years of professional writing, I finally got noticed because we all secretly have the maturity of 10-year-old boys.

elaine huffpo live 1

Todd Clark is the creator and artist for LOLA, a nationally syndicated comic strip featuring a sassy senior citizen. Clark introduced the character in 1999, and she’s still causing chuckles for readers of all ages. I met Clark as he was creating cartoons at the annual Guardian Ball in Boise, Idaho. The event benefits severely wounded, injured, and ill veterans in the Wyakin Warrior Foundation. The Foundation provides one of the most comprehensive education, mentoring, professional development, networking and job placement programs in the country for severely wounded and injured veterans. My stepson, a Marine who was wounded in Iraq, is a member of the Wyakin Warriors.

I told Clark about my embarrassing medical experience, and he quickly sketched some artwork showing Lola tooting in an MRI. It’s not exactly Wonder Woman, but the caricature fits my personality… and life experiences.

todd clark lola

Since World War II, cartoonists from the National Cartoonist Society have traveled all over the world to visit wounded troops being treated at military and VA hospitals. Todd Clark packs his pencils and sketch pads and joins other award-winning cartoonists who support our military veterans. I am grateful for his contributions to veterans, and I’m delighted and humbled that now Lola and I are comedic cousins.

I’l be speaking at the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop about how to turn a blog into a book and how to write humor. I hope that my audience can appreciate a good fart story but also enjoy other tidbits of knowledge, as well. I don’t want to be remembered as that funny woman who farts.


Here’s a list of the translated versions of my fart story as it continues to permeate throughout the world. It’s the least I can do to bring about laughter and sharing among all peoples. The translations are archived on The Huffington Post.

Don’t Fart During an MRI – in Korea, Germany, Italy, France, or Brazil

나는 MRI 촬영을 하다 방귀를 뀌었다

Huffington Post

Read More: Huffington Post News

나처럼 극한의 창피를 끊임없이 감수해야 하는 가엾은 인간들과 동정을 나누고자 내 슬픈 이야기를 아래에 적어�…

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나는 MRI 촬영을 하다 방귀를 뀌었다


Read More: Korea News

Warum Sie niemals im MRT furzen sollten


Read More: Blogs, Lifestyle, Mrt, Peinlich, Gesundheit, Germany News

Ich möchte diese erbärmliche, aber wahre Geschichte erzählen, um mich mit anderen gequälten Seelen zu solidarisieren, die immer wieder Peinlichkeiten erleben und überleben. Mein Erlebnis aus dieser Woche dürfte schwer zu übertreffen sein: Ich habe im MRT gefurzt.

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5 motivi per cui il sesso è migliore a 50 anni piuttosto che a 25


Read More: Sesso, La Vita Com’è, Sessualità, Italy News

Uno dei molti vantaggi dell’invecchiare è che noi sappiamo ciò che ci piace e ciò non ci piace. E ora ci fa sorridere ricordare quei dieci minuti di frenetico armeggiare sul sedile posteriore della macchina di un adolescente dopo la scuola. Alla nostra età, preferiamo le lenzuola in cotone egiziano, il soft jazz e il lusso dei preliminari. Non siamo solo più vecchi, ma anche molto più saggi.

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Ne pétez pas pendant une IRM

France C’est La Vie

Read More: Santé, Irm, Radiologie, Humour, Honte, Médecine, Flatulence, Conseils Irm, Hôpital, Irm Hôpital,France C’est La Vie News

SANTÉ – Je partage cette anecdote aussi vraie que pathétique en témoignage de ma sympathie pour d’autres âmes damnées qui, comme moi, traversent et survivent à des épreuves extrêmement humiliantes.

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Não peide ao fazer uma ressonância magnética


Read More: Gases, Problema Com Gases, Peidar, Peidar No Hospital, Peidar Em Lugar Público, Peidar Em Local Público, Peidar Em Público, Problema Com Peido, Como Peidar, Saúde, Comportamento, Brasil Saúde, Brazil News

A minha experiência esta semana será difícil de superar: eu peidei dentro de um aparelho de ressonância magnética.

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